Daily Schedule

Daily Schedule

Morning Exploration

Our classroom environment is considered to be the third teacher.  It is a setting that is designed to not only be functional but also beautiful and a showcase of the child’s learning. The areas of the classroom are established to support independence, social interaction, exploration and beauty.

In addition, the classroom is set up with provocations. A provocation is an open-ended activity that doesn’t have a prescribed outcome. Instead, it is designed to stimulate ideas, foster initiative and enhance imagination for children, whether they choose to explore their ideas alone or in groups. Provocations are simple and displayed beautifully to provoke interest. Children work one-on-one with teachers, in groups or alone. The children are slowing down, looking closely and noticing new things to explore.

Snack Time

Snack time is a great time for social development, as children socialize with one another while eating. It is an important time for children to practice their self-help skills; children will learn to be responsible for their belongings, take out their own snacks and clean-up their spot when they are finished!

Morning Meeting and Davening

Morning Meeting and Davening

Meeting is a very important time of the day for your child. Children develop listening skills, self-control, and develop social skills that lay the foundation for years of classroom learning ahead! The children have an opportunity to talk about the things they are thinking about, sing songs, and discuss areas of study that we are working on. Each morning we begin our circle with singing our Jewish songs, instilling in our children a joyful Jewish identity. We celebrate the Jewish holidays at school by learning the stories and by practicing the customs and traditions in an exciting manner.

Playground and Indoor Space

Playground and Indoor Space

Weather dependent, the children visit the playground daily. The playground offers opportunities for them to play physically by running, climbing and sliding. These activities help to develop their agility, endurance and gross motor muscles. Our sandbox is a popular spot on the playground and enjoyed by all the children. When there is inclement weather, we will visit our indoor space. The children will have an opportunity to enhance their gross motor skills through the use of climbing structures, slides, bicycles, obstacle courses and more!



Through a designated group reading time, the children learn to value books, spark their imagination, develop listening skills and learn about the world around them. It is a wonderful opportunity to come together as a class and share our thoughts and opinions on books that we read together.

Lunch daily schedule


As with snack time, lunch is another opportunity for the children to socialize with their peers. At times, children will be strategically placed next to different classmates in order to get to know new peers in the classroom. The children use expressive language to advocate for themselves and ask for help with opening packages and containers. Children also develop self-help skills as they retrieve their lunchboxes from their cubby, set up their meal and clean up after themselves.

Rest Time

Rest Time

Our friends are busy! A rest period is an important time for children to recharge their minds and bodies. It allows them the opportunity to process all they have learned throughout the school day. Children are provided with a mat and bring sheets and blankets from home to create a calm space. Our friends may sleep if they choose, read, or do a quiet activity for a half hour.

Afternoon Exploration

During the afternoon, the children will work in a smaller group setting on a variety of activities including STEM, literacy, dramatic play and art. The children enjoy conducting science experiments, listening to a favorite story or creating an imaginary world in the block area with the teacher and their classmates. It is another wonderful opportunity for the children to explore the classroom in their own way and further foster creativity, independence and cognitive growth.